Legal notices

The website is published by the company Biosphoto.


SAS capital of 22 867.35 Euros
Registered in the RCS Avignon B 342 665 007
SIRET 342 665 007 00080
Intra-communal VAT: FR91 342 665 007
head office: 19 rue du Vieux Sextier
84000 Avignon
Tel : 04 90 16 20 42
international: +33 490 16 20 42
Contact :

Director of the publication

Gilles Taquet


Cogent Communications

Right of the photographs and videos clips

The photographer remains titular of the copyrights on its creation, to the sense of the French law.
The rights of representation and reproduction of the photographs proposed on the website belong to their authors and the company Biosphoto..

Payment secured

The on line payment takes place through the servers secured of Ingenico Payment Services (Ogone) and our BNP bank.

Right of intellectual property

All elements of this site are protected by the rights on the intellectual property.
The reproduction of everything or gone of this site on a support whatever he/it is (paper, numeric.) is forbidden positively without the previous written authorization of the publisher of the site.

Your request has been registered.

To use this feature you must first register or login.

Log in

To organize photos in lightboxes you must first register or login. Registration is FREE! Lightboxes allow you to categorize your photos, to keep them when you sign in and send them by email.

Log in

A Biosphoto authorization has to be granted prior using this feature. We'll get in touch shortly, please check that your contact info is up to date. Feel free to contact us in case of no answer during office hours (Paris time).

Delete permanently this lightbox?

Delete permanently all items?

The lightbox has been duplicated

The lightbox has been copied in your personal account

Your request has been registered. You will receive an e-mail shortly in order to download your images.

You can insert a comment that will appear within your downloads reports.

Your album has been sent.

In case of modification, changes will be seen by your recipient.

If deleted, your album won't be avalaible for your recipient anymore.